Best Practice 1


Fostering Art and Creativity for Lifelong Engagement


SSG Pareek PG College strives for the overall development of the students and due care is given To enable students to explore their talents, interests and creativity to enhance the possibility of personal success through academic as well as artistic ventures. To encourage co-curricular activities to foster the artistic talents of the students. To give free training and provide platforms to showcase artistic and literary talents.

The Context

The implicit aim of Institutional education is the holistic development of young scholars. The college has always believed that the classroom teaching-learning environment is strengthened by co-curricular activities like debates, poetry writing and creative pursuits like music and dance. In broad terms, the skills and competencies discovered and developed by engaging in extra- curricular engagements instill confidence, creative thinking and a sense of self-esteem in students’ life. Through the constant support of the management and staff the college strives for the inculcation of creativity and team spirit in the students, to prepare them for upcoming life.

The Practice

The Arts Department of SSG Pareek College conducts programs that enable students to showcase their talents and to sensitize them towards the aesthetics of varied art forms.

The cultural Week

One of the major highlights of the college is the cultural Week, a week- long cultural extravaganza consisting of several literary and cultural competitions to foster a healthy sense of competition among the students and provide a platform for their talents to be appreciated. The students feel a sense of empowerment by actively taking part in the events and forming a bond with their peers and the institution. Alumni and former union members come back to their alma mater to witness these events.

The Music group

consists of members who are interested in vocal and instrumental music, both western and eastern. They are trained by professionals in the field itself. The college Western Choir has won many regional, national and International accolades.

The Poets group

and the creative Writing Club regularly conduct interdepartmental competitions to encourage the imaginative and artistic talents of the students.

The Fine Arts group

endeavors to train the students with technical skills and enable them to participate in youth festival organized by university and various inter collegiate competitions.

The Debate group

is a platform where the students can share their freedom of speech and expression in an open forum; engage in rhetoric on a variety of issues at the local, regional, national, and international level.

Evidence of Success

The various awards are garnered by the students in various competitions at the College, University, State and National levels. The college finds great satisfaction in this being an indicator of the confidence, aesthetic sensibility and intellectual accomplishment of its students. A good number of students have taken up careers in the field of dance, music and the literary arena. In the 50 years of the history of Rajasthan University Youth Festival, the institution has won the overall championship many times, testing its quality with 450 colleges. This has created history in the University Records.


Consistent efforts are taken to enhance confidence of faculty and students to take decisions and enabling them to take action towards making policies. The institution provides opportunities to explore their leadership capabilities and enter in their future work spaces with confidence.

Inclusive Culture

We have an equitable, secular and inclusive campus. We inculcate the five C's that is Courtesy, Courage, Compassion, Creativity and Commitment aiming for the formation of a complete human person with a sense of responsibility towards nation.

Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Institution needs administrative cooperation and encouragement. Fortunately, Institution does not have such a problem. After this activity, Periodic follow-up sessions are essential to find out how the students perceived their institution. Getting the guest speakers agree to come on the specific time period is another problem. This can be solved by keeping a reserve list of speakers.

Visit of MLA in the Art Gallery

Solo Cultural performance by student

Visit of students in the Art Gallery

Different picture in the art Gallery

Presence of Artists and Guests during the Events

Facial painting and solo dancing performance by students

Art Exhibition events and students group photo

Rangoli making during the Programme

Poster making competition

Welcome of guest during Mehndi art competition

Facial painting and solo dancing performance by students

facial painting and Wall painting competiton